Transmission and reflection measurement
Transmission and reflection measurement
Transmission and reflection measurement is the process of determining how much light passes through or bounces off a material. This can help to characterise the optical properties of the material, such as its refractive index, absorption coefficient, and reflectivity.
List of available equipment
Cary Spectrophotometer
Optical measurement tool
Australian National University (ANU)
Optofab Node
spectrophotometer covering the range 175-3300nm based on a dual grating monochromator
Related Information
Wavelength:range 175-3300nm,the spec on wavelength accuracy is +/- 0.1nm for UV-Vis and +/- 0.4nm for IR. The Cary 5000 is a spectrophotometer covering the range 175-3300nm based on a dual grating monochromator (switchable UV-Vis and IR gratings) and photomultiplier/Lead Sulphide detectors. The UV-Vis arrangement provides optical resolutions of 0.01-5 nm and the IR 0.05-5 nm. The instrument has independent but simultaneously measured sample and reference beam paths with a log ratio amplifier comparing the outputs if desired
Tool Contact
Mapping T&R system
Transmission and reflection measurement
Australian National University (ANU)
Optofab Node
This custom-built setup can autonomously measure the transmission and reflection of substrates up to 400mm in diameter
Related Information
Measure Transmission and reflection of substrates up to 400mm in diameter. Currently, only wavelengths of 532, 633 and 1064nm can be supported due to laser availability. This custom-built setup can autonomously measure the transmission and reflection of substrates up to 400mm in diameter. Its XY-translation stage allows for a full 2D high resolution scan at pre-set angles of incidence (angular range is subject to substrate thickness). An optical chopper modulates the laser intensity and low-noise lock-in amplifiers isolate the reflection and transmission signatures in the photodetector signals. The absolute magnitude of reflection and transmission is evaluated against calibration optics. Currently, only wavelengths of 532, 633 and 1064nm can be supported due to laser availability, but additional wavelengths may be made available on request.
Tool Contact
Metricon 2010 prism coupler
Thin film characterisation(RI and transmission)
Australian National University (ANU)
Optofab Node
The Metricon 2010 prism coupler precisely measures the refractive index and thickness of optical films and bulk glass, with a refractive index range of 1.95 to 3.35. It boasts an index accuracy of ±0.0005 and thickness accuracy of ±0.5% or ±5 nm. Supporting visible (532nm, 632nm, 780nm) and NIR (980nm, 1310nm, 1550nm) wavelengths, it offers optional Silicon and Germanium detectors. Additionally, it integrates with an InGaAs camera and custom Labview software for recording loss streaks and assessing film or waveguide propagation losses.
Related Information
RI measurement range: 1.95 to 3.35nm,the worst index accuracy is ±0.0005, and the thickness accuracy is ± (0.5% +/- 5 nm).Wavelnegth Operation:(532nm, 632nm and 780 nm,) and NIR (980 nm, 1310 nm and 1550 nm)
Tool Contact
Multiple Angle Reflectometry- SCI Filmtek 4000
Thin film measurement(Thickness,RI)
Australian National University (ANU)
Optofab Node
The FilmTek 4000 is a versatile Multiple Angle Reflectometry system designed for precise thin film analysis. It accurately measures film thickness from under 100 angstroms to 250 micrometers and analyses multiple layers, refractive indices, absorption coefficients, energy band gaps, composition, crystallinity, and surface roughness. This computerised system integrates fiber optic spectrophotometry with sophisticated material modeling software, ensuring high accuracy, ease of use, and comprehensive analytical capabilities in a cost-effective solution.
Related Information
Multiple layer thicknesses from 0Å to 250µm (with SE option)
Optical properties from 400nm-1700nm
TE and TM indices of refraction [ n(λ) ]
Extinction (absorption) coefficients [ k(λ) ]
Energy band gap [ Eg ]
Constituent, void fraction
Tool Contact
ZYGO: VerifireXPZ interferometer
Interferometric measurement
Australian National University (ANU)
Optofab Node
This interferometer system provides high-accuracy measurements of flat or spherical surfaces, and transmitted wavefront measurement of optical components and assemblies. This is used to measure optical components like flats, lenses, and prisms - precision metal components like computer disks, bearing and sealing surfaces - polished ceramics, and contact lens moulds, etc
Related Information
High-accuracy measurements of flat or spherical surfaces, and transmitted wavefront measurement of optical components and assemblies.
Tool Contact
Cary Spectrophotometer
Optical measurement tool
Australian National University (ANU)
Optofab Node
spectrophotometer covering the range 175-3300nm based on a dual grating monochromator
Related Information
Wavelength:range 175-3300nm,the spec on wavelength accuracy is +/- 0.1nm for UV-Vis and +/- 0.4nm for IR. The Cary 5000 is a spectrophotometer covering the range 175-3300nm based on a dual grating monochromator (switchable UV-Vis and IR gratings) and photomultiplier/Lead Sulphide detectors. The UV-Vis arrangement provides optical resolutions of 0.01-5 nm and the IR 0.05-5 nm. The instrument has independent but simultaneously measured sample and reference beam paths with a log ratio amplifier comparing the outputs if desired
Tool Contact
Mapping T&R system
Transmission and reflection measurement
Australian National University (ANU)
Optofab Node
This custom-built setup can autonomously measure the transmission and reflection of substrates up to 400mm in diameter
Related Information
Measure Transmission and reflection of substrates up to 400mm in diameter. Currently, only wavelengths of 532, 633 and 1064nm can be supported due to laser availability. This custom-built setup can autonomously measure the transmission and reflection of substrates up to 400mm in diameter. Its XY-translation stage allows for a full 2D high resolution scan at pre-set angles of incidence (angular range is subject to substrate thickness). An optical chopper modulates the laser intensity and low-noise lock-in amplifiers isolate the reflection and transmission signatures in the photodetector signals. The absolute magnitude of reflection and transmission is evaluated against calibration optics. Currently, only wavelengths of 532, 633 and 1064nm can be supported due to laser availability, but additional wavelengths may be made available on request.
Tool Contact
Metricon 2010 prism coupler
Thin film characterisation(RI and transmission)
Australian National University (ANU)
Optofab Node
The Metricon 2010 prism coupler precisely measures the refractive index and thickness of optical films and bulk glass, with a refractive index range of 1.95 to 3.35. It boasts an index accuracy of ±0.0005 and thickness accuracy of ±0.5% or ±5 nm. Supporting visible (532nm, 632nm, 780nm) and NIR (980nm, 1310nm, 1550nm) wavelengths, it offers optional Silicon and Germanium detectors. Additionally, it integrates with an InGaAs camera and custom Labview software for recording loss streaks and assessing film or waveguide propagation losses.
Related Information
RI measurement range: 1.95 to 3.35nm,the worst index accuracy is ±0.0005, and the thickness accuracy is ± (0.5% +/- 5 nm).Wavelnegth Operation:(532nm, 632nm and 780 nm,) and NIR (980 nm, 1310 nm and 1550 nm)
Tool Contact
Multiple Angle Reflectometry- SCI Filmtek 4000
Thin film measurement(Thickness,RI)
Australian National University (ANU)
Optofab Node
The FilmTek 4000 is a versatile Multiple Angle Reflectometry system designed for precise thin film analysis. It accurately measures film thickness from under 100 angstroms to 250 micrometers and analyses multiple layers, refractive indices, absorption coefficients, energy band gaps, composition, crystallinity, and surface roughness. This computerised system integrates fiber optic spectrophotometry with sophisticated material modeling software, ensuring high accuracy, ease of use, and comprehensive analytical capabilities in a cost-effective solution.
Related Information
Multiple layer thicknesses from 0Å to 250µm (with SE option)
Optical properties from 400nm-1700nm
TE and TM indices of refraction [ n(λ) ]
Extinction (absorption) coefficients [ k(λ) ]
Energy band gap [ Eg ]
Constituent, void fraction
Tool Contact
ZYGO: VerifireXPZ interferometer
Interferometric measurement
Australian National University (ANU)
Optofab Node
This interferometer system provides high-accuracy measurements of flat or spherical surfaces, and transmitted wavefront measurement of optical components and assemblies. This is used to measure optical components like flats, lenses, and prisms - precision metal components like computer disks, bearing and sealing surfaces - polished ceramics, and contact lens moulds, etc
Related Information
High-accuracy measurements of flat or spherical surfaces, and transmitted wavefront measurement of optical components and assemblies.
Tool Contact