Embark on a journey into the amazing world of nanoscience and nanotechnology 13 – 15 February at ICONN 2024.
ICONN 2024 has released the official program dedicated to navigating the intricate pipelines that bridge nanoscience and nanotechnology research alongside the commercialisation aspects of the industry.
Each day of the program will focus on a different stage in the journey, enabling researchers, industry, regulators and suppliers to come together to investigate how they can collaborate to build successful outcomes.
This unique approach facilitates a collaborative exploration, fostering discussions on how these diverse stakeholders can synergise their efforts to transform cutting-edge nanoscience into tangible commercial products and services.
Go to https://iconnference.com/program/ to learn more about the conference sessions, speakers and events.
Don’t miss out on groundbreaking insights! Secure your spot TODAY by registering for ICONN 2024.